How did this come to our attention?
Investing in the economic empowerment of women establishes a direct path to gender equality, eradication of poverty and inclusive economic growth. Women make enormous contributions to savings, whether in companies, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by carrying out unpaid care at home.
But they also remain disproportionately by poverty, discrimination and exploitation. Sex discrimination means that women often find themselves in low -wage insecurity jobs and constitute a small minority of those who occupy higher positions. It reduces access to economic assets such as land and loans. It limits participation in the development of economic and social policies. And, because women do most of the housework.
By working with a variety of partners, our programs promote the ability of women to ensure decent jobs, accumulate assets and influence public institutions and policies determining growth and development. A field of critical orientation implies advocacy to measure the unpaid care work of women and to take measures so that women and men can combine it more easily with paid employment.
In all of our economic empowerment programs, UN women most contact women in need, often by committing to local organizations and civil society. Groups in particular marginalized include rural women, domestic workers, certain migrants and low -skilled women. Our objectives are higher income, better access and better control over resources and greater security, including protection against violence.
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