How did this come to our attention?
The Christian in Pakistan have been suffering sine the creation of the country in 1947.Christian in Pakistan have been targeting of persecution RELIGIOUSLY, MORALLY, ECONOMICALLY and SOCIALLY and POLITICALLY.
In fact, 50 years the persecution has amplified due to the introduction of various discriminatory laws and processed ISLAMISATION in constitution of Pakistan. through this radical legislation they want to eliminate the CHRISTIAN Minorities in Pakistan.
In cooperation with local churches and partners, VOV supports the persecuted Christians in Pakistan through Education, Health, Human Rights, Peace, Food and security.
VOV works through local partners and churches to strengthen persecuted believers in most difficult and dangerous situation in Pakistan and around the world. VOV support took away the persecution fear and make them able to restart their lives with family members, friends, and colleagues with peace and security.
Across the world, extreme persecution is increasing and so are the needs of our brothers and sisters. Now we have the opportunity to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of persecuted Christians brother and sisters and especially Pakistani Christians.
Official figures show there are just 3.9 million Christians in Pakistan, a country of 200.8 million. They make up two per cent of the population.
Christians are the targets of violent attacks by extremists, and are treated as ‘unclean’ by society in general.
Pakistan’s infamous blasphemy laws are frequently abused to target Christians – accusations lead to believers being imprisoned or killed. Christians are afraid to express their faith freely in case something they say is misinterpreted as blasphemy.
An estimated 900 Christian women and girls are abducted every year and often forced to marry Muslim men. If their families complain, they are accused of harassing the ‘voluntarily converted’ girl. Christians face discrimination in work and education, and jobs that are considered ‘unclean’ are officially reserved for Christians.
VOV also does advocacy work. After a terrorist attack has occurred on the Christian community the relationship between Christians and Muslims can be very tense. “In certain periods we have worked intensely with building dialogue between the two communities and have succeeded many times in calming down the situation. We regularly organize religious dialogues between priests and imams, and also translated a brochure that teaches that religious freedom is a basic human right.
Come and join VOV mission because lots of persecuted Christian people especially in Pakistan are waiting for your prayers and support because they are facing extreme persecution.
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